St. John’s Traditions

St. 约翰学院是学生学习历史上最伟大思想家作品的地方. 安纳波利斯和圣达菲的学生已经建立了几十年甚至更久的传统, 从开学第一天就在学院注册上签字,到毕业前几天参加“高年级恶作剧”. 被称为“约翰尼”的学生们享受着许多与他们多年前的前辈们相同的活动. Learn more about our college history.

Watch how a Johnnie Chair—a St. John’s College icon—can transform lives. And look for more information about these chairs below.


St. 约翰的教师被称为“导师”,他们在文科课程中带领班级. Instead of serving as content experts or lecturers, tutors guide discussion and act as model learners.

Funeral Games

在圣达菲,新生们庆祝他们第一次阅读的完成 Iliad—with the Funeral Games. After finishing Homer’s epic, 身穿长袍的约翰尼在普特洛克勒斯的葬礼上重演了光荣的比赛, including tug-of-war, wheelbarrow races, and more.

Convocation and Signing the Register

整个新生班和研究生院的新生都是毕业典礼的一部分, during which each of them signs the college register, shakes the president’s hand and receives a book to be used in class.

Ptolemy Stone

托勒密石是一种古老的仪器,用来测量太阳与地球的角度, which is the basis for many navigational devices such as the sextant. A Ptolemy Stone is located on both campuses.

Waltz Parties

Both campuses enjoy active Waltz Committees. 这些舞蹈爱好者举办舞蹈课和华尔兹派对,以许多不同的主题. Lessons are held regularly and may include swing, waltz, polka, lindy hop and other styles depending on the time of year.

Prizes (for essays and others)

At the end of the year, prizes are awarded to an annual essay from each class (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) as well as to original translations, original scientific experiments, original poetry, original artwork and original mathematics proofs.

Senior Prank

At the end of every school year, seniors perform skits, show videos and host an all-day cookout and party on campus. 


每年春天,在圣达菲校区,学生们都会挑战其他班级的垒球比赛. There is also a faculty/staff vs. student softball game.

Senior Oral

After seniors have submitted their essays, 他们每个人都有一个口头考试,有三名教师以他们的论文为基础. This is a public event; friends, family, peers, coworkers, 甚至镇上的人也可以来参加这个长达一小时的口试.


Indoor soccer with a slightly smaller ball, futbalito is played just about daily on the Santa Fe campus, and there is usually at least one tournament each year.


Aside from being one of the college’s unofficial mascots, axolotls live in the laboratories on both campuses, 它们在哪里被观察到与新生实验室的一些阅读有关.


For this tradition, students read aloud either the Odyssey or the Iliad (typically alternating each year) throughout the day, starting in the morning and ending late at night.

The Swing

Halfway up Monte Sol on the Santa Fe campus, 多年来,约翰尼一直站在挂在树上的木秋千上欣赏美丽的景色.


每年最后一个完整星期的课程结束后的周末举行的聚会, Reality features skits, videos, dancing and a general party atmosphere. Sports, including Spartan Madball, also are played.


Tutors and seniors in Santa Fe often gather for Nabla, 这一传统是为了方便他们向成年和专业阶层过渡.


每个校区的学生、教职员工都被分配到一个校内运动队. The teams play each other in multiple sports, including Ultimate Frisbee, soccer, basketball, “reasonball,” handball and volleyball.


这个在安纳波利斯的体育联盟是由圣. John’s. 妇女和非cis性别的政治成员可以参加国家体育和校内体育.

Athletic Blazer

Athletic blazers with the St. 约翰印章是根据学生的参与和表现授予的. 特殊的运动夹克每年也会传给两名即将升学的高年级学生, as voted on by the intramural and Kunai captains. In addition, 毕业班的两名成员在毕业典礼上被授予一件运动衫, leadership and sportsmanship.

Observing Plants

In the fall, 新生实验班的学生经常可以在外面看到他们在做笔记和绘制当地植物的草图,这是他们生物学学习的一部分. In Annapolis, it’s the magnolia. In Santa Fe, where it is known as “conifer lab,” students travel to the ski basin and collect various samples, study them, draw them, and come up with a classification system for them.


Lola’s is a party held each year with a “casino” theme. Although there is no gambling with money, 学生们穿着漂亮的衣服,和志愿发牌人玩碰运气的游戏.


沙龙舞会是在安纳波利斯校园槌球之后由华尔兹委员会举办的春季正式活动. 传统上,在午夜供应草莓和奶油,并聘请现场乐队. If the croquet team is victorious, team members typically make a grand entrance with the Annapolis Cup.

Catching Fish

在大一的实验中,学生观察鱼类是他们生物学学习的一部分. In Annapolis, 大一新生经常带着网去学院溪捕鱼,以便在教室里的鱼缸里进一步观察.

Senior Day

Seniors often perform original music, or pieces that they feel are relevant to their class, for classmates and family before graduation.

Student Committee on Instruction

学生指导委员会(SCI)全年举办论坛,讨论澳门金沙网赌登陆的学校,每年至少与教员指导委员会开一次会. SCI还举办全校研讨会和课外系列研讨会.

Senior Dinner

A formal dinner is held each year for seniors and faculty members, at which the president, dean, faculty and multiple members of the senior class give toasts. 传统上,宴会上的祝酒词是“为四个共和国干杯”——为美利坚合众国干杯, the Republic of St. John’s College, Plato’s Republic and the Republic of Letters.

Core Groups

A group of two to six students have every class together. 核心小组经常成为好朋友,在学术上相互依赖.

Take a Tutor to Lunch

“请导师共进午餐”项目允许学生在学校免费请导师共进午餐, whether the student is on the meal plan or not. 在正式课程之外,导师和学生经常会在校外见面喝咖啡或吃午饭.

Welcome Parties: Achilles Rager and Black and White Ball

每个校区都会举行开学晚会,欢迎新生. In Santa Fe, 那里有黑白舞会,安纳波利斯有“阿喀琉斯之怒”——这是对荷马《新澳门金沙网上赌场》中阿喀琉斯之怒的致敬.

Athenian Reasonball

Reasonball is like flag football with a lot of extra rules, including the fairness rule, 这就保证了输球的球队总是在得分后获得控球权, no matter which team scores. Players can throw as many forward passes as they can, regardless of their proximity to the line of scrimmage.

Intramural Draft

On the Annapolis campus, 每年举行一次校内选秀,即将升学的二年级学生被选拔到每个校内队.


Although the college does not have an official mascot, 它确实有一些非官方的物种,最著名的是蝾螈和鸭嘴兽.

Guerilla Seminars

Small, 通常是非正式组织的关于特定作品的研讨会,通常由一小群学生参加,没有导师, although sometimes a tutor will participate.